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TFI Local Link Limerick Clare is a company set up for the express purpose of providing transport to communities within Counties Limerick and Clare.

TFI Local Link Limerick Clare is a not-for-profit company and is one of fifteen Transport Coordination Units for rural transport funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport and administered by the National Transport Authority.

You will most likely know us by looking at our results







General Manager: Anne Gaughan

Assistant Manager: Majella Scanlon

Transport Operations Coordinator Limerick: Marie O'Connor

Transport Operations Coordinator Clare: Cillian Griffey

Finance Administrator: Maria Rozworska

Technical & Compliance Coordinator: Kathleen Kiely

Training, IT & Transport Coordinator: Kalen O'Connor

Reception & Compliance Analyst: Eilish Guiry

Reception & SMART DR Analyst: Siobhan Delahunty

Clerical Officer: Pat Geoghegan

Reception & Marketing Administrator: Evan Condon

Reception & Transport Administrator: Jeremiah Stebelton


TFI Local Link Limerick Clare have contracted local providers where possible to provide these services. Our services are available to anyone who wishes to avail of them.

Social Inclusion

A key principle of the company is to provide innovative community based initiatives for transport services in rural areas with a view to addressing the issue of social exclusion in rural Ireland, which is caused by a lack of access to transport.

County Limerick & North Cork Transport Group CLG t/a TFI Local Link Limerick Clare

RCN: 20144425

CHY: 21501

Company Registration Number: 361673

Our 2022 financial accounts can be found at and

The company complies with the Charities Governance Code